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Future Of AW

American Wudang strives to be a leader in spreading awareness of the Wudang Arts. Through our website, our hands on teaching, our experience, and our motivation to help others in every facet of their life, American Wudang is a center for the sharing of San Feng Lineage methods. We are a cultural exchange bringing martial arts, qigong, taiji, meditation, music, cuisine, and more to the modern society and to those who are searching for something to improve their quality of life.
Although all of this is not the main goal of American Wudang. Within our website and our current activities is only the growth and starting point of AW. The true journey of American Wudang is to bring the mountains of these sacred practices to the western world directly. Our intent is to build a center somewhere in the USA where we can build our own grassroots community that brings the cultural practices, architecture, and lifestyle to those who are interested but are unable to come so far due to lack of time, resources, or other barriers that make extended international travel difficult. Our dream is to bring a piece of the mountain home, figuratively, so that we can become an abroad beacon that pays homage to Wudanghan, where all of these arts originate.

Accomplishing Our Goal​

This dream is a project that we are continuing to build towards. Currently, we are training and teaching back in Wudang. The new updates with the Ways of Wudang are a small glimpse in to what we what our center to offer in the future. 
We will build a center of private land where we will be able to have live-in quarters for a few students so that we can fully immerse in the lifestyle. We will have outdoor training facilities where people can get back in touch with nature and decompress from the excessive characteristics of the modern society. We will have courses not just on martial arts training, but also on the deeper aspects of the full practice. Martial arts training is but one pillar in the Wudang experience. We will also have health and nutrition training where we can guide students through how to cook for themselves in a traditional Chinese fashion. We will also delve deeper into the philosophy of the Wudang arts so that people have the experience to reinforce their growing comprehension. And lastly, we will have music instruction available, so that people may get in touch with the free spirit of Wudang. 
It is our hope that people who visit our website will enjoy our content and follow along as new things come. We wish that everyone who visits is able to learn something and can improve their quality of life in some way. 
If you would like to support our ongoing project, you can become a patron by following the link below. This helps us to continue publishing free online content and gives us the chance to offer more ways to get involved with the community. 
We hope that you enjoy our website and sincerely wish that your journey is a peaceful one and that someday we cross paths. Wherever you may go, bring an open mind, a warm smile, and a harmonious heart and nothing you set out to do will be left unaccomplished.
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